New technology for the treatment of urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence (UI) is the involuntary loss of urine and represents a social, psychological and hygienic problem. Our technology is a chair specially designed for this. An effective and painless treatment that at ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY we offer to our patients from all over the world.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of patients think that the main reason is that they view incontinence as the natural consequence of aging. This is something that is due to disastrous advertising campaigns in which the use of protectors for urine leakage has been normalized. However, the causes of incontinence are multifactorial, since it is due to a weakening of the pelvic floor, and this can occur due to many circumstances.

What does the treatment with ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY consist of?

It consists of an innovative treatment for incontinence. This unique technology revolutionizes women's intimate health and well-being by providing people with incontinence with a completely non-invasive option.

The mechanism of action takes advantage of High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology that triggers intense pelvic floor muscle contractions by stimulating neuromuscular tissue. A single session of ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY induces thousands of muscular contractions at maximum power, impossible to achieve by performing Kegel exercises, of the pelvic floor, which are extremely important in the muscular re-education of incontinent patients.

The treatment plan will be designed based on the needs of each patient. The usual treatment lasts approximately 30 minutes and about six scheduled sessions are required once or twice a week, depending on the need and the type of incontinence.

Why is ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY ideal for treating urinary incontinence?

Key effectiveness is based on:

  • Focused electromagnetic energy.
  • Deep penetration.
  • Stimulation of the entire pelvic floor area.

HIFEM technology provides deep muscle stimulation and restoration of neuromuscular control by passing non-invasively through the pelvic floor area.

Results from the first ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY session

ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY is an excellent option for women of all ages who are looking for a solution for urinary incontinence and who want to improve their quality of life, restoring the entire genital area in approximately six weeks.


  • More than 10 years of innovation.
  • Technology for women's health.

Behind ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY is our team of experts and engineers with high-efficiency state-of-the-art technology.